Информация об энчанте выбранного умения  
Базовое умение
  Название Уровень Тип MP HP Радиус
 Rapid Shot
Increases speed of arrow launch. Effect 2.
2 Активный
50 - - 2 10 1200
Название MP HP Время
Шанс на
76 уровне
Шанс на
77 уровне
Шанс на
78 уровне
 Rapid Shot +1 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
48 - 2 10 1200 3060000  306000  82.000% 92.000% 97.000%
 Rapid Shot +2 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
47 - 2 10 1200 3150000  315000  80.000% 90.000% 95.000%
 Rapid Shot +3 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
47 - 2 10 1200 3250000  325000  78.000% 88.000% 93.000%
 Rapid Shot +4 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
46 - 2 10 1200 3460000  346000  40.000% 82.000% 92.000%
 Rapid Shot +5 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
45 - 2 10 1200 3570000  357000  30.000% 80.000% 90.000%
 Rapid Shot +6 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
45 - 2 10 1200 3680000  368000  20.000% 78.000% 88.000%
 Rapid Shot +7 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
43 - 2 10 1200 3900000  390000  14.000% 40.000% 82.000%
 Rapid Shot +8 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
42 - 2 10 1200 4020000  402000  10.000% 30.000% 80.000%
 Rapid Shot +9 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
42 - 2 10 1200 4140000  414000  6.000% 20.000% 78.000%
 Rapid Shot +10 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
41 - 2 10 1200 5070000  507000  2.000% 14.000% 40.000%
 Rapid Shot +11 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
40 - 2 10 1200 5230000  523000  2.000% 10.000% 30.000%
 Rapid Shot +12 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
40 - 2 10 1200 5380000  538000  2.000% 6.000% 20.000%
 Rapid Shot +13 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
38 - 2 10 1200 6590000  659000  1.000% 2.000% 14.000%
 Rapid Shot +14 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
37 - 2 10 1200 6800000  680000  1.000% 2.000% 10.000%
 Rapid Shot +15 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
37 - 2 10 1200 6990000  699000  1.000% 2.000% 6.000%
 Rapid Shot +16 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
36 - 2 10 1200 8570000  857000  1.000% 1.000% 2.000%
 Rapid Shot +17 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
35 - 2 10 1200 8840000  884000  1.000% 1.000% 2.000%
 Rapid Shot +18 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
35 - 2 10 1200 9090000  909000  1.000% 1.000% 2.000%
 Rapid Shot +19 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
33 - 2 10 1200 11140000  1114000  1.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +20 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
32 - 2 10 1200 11490000  1149000  1.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +21 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
32 - 2 10 1200 11820000  1182000  1.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +22 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
31 - 2 10 1200 14480000  1448000  1.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +23 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
30 - 2 10 1200 14940000  1494000  1.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +24 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
30 - 2 10 1200 15370000  1537000  0.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +25 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
28 - 2 10 1200 18820000  1882000  0.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +26 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
27 - 2 10 1200 19420000  1942000  0.000% 1.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +27 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
27 - 2 10 1200 19980000  1998000  0.000% 0.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +28 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
26 - 2 10 1200 24470000  2447000  0.000% 0.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +29 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
25 - 2 10 1200 25250000  2525000  0.000% 0.000% 1.000%
 Rapid Shot +30 Cost
Temporarily increases one's speed of arrow attack. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one.s skill is decreased. Effect 2.
25 - 2 10 1200 25970000  2597000  0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Классический игровой сервер Lineage2 C4 на игровом портале Draconic.Ru
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