Подробная информация о монстре/НПС  
  Имя Уровень HP MP Опыт SP Раса
 Orfen Карта 50 215,839 830 8,165,629 615,144 Элементал
Соц. Пол P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk. M.Def. Тип атаки Радиус атаки Скорость атаки STR INT DEX WIT CON MEN
Нет 271 2227 14 452 Кулак 40 172 60 76 73 70 57 80
  Пассивные скиллы  
  Активные скиллы  
  Название Количество Шанс
 Adena 440000 - 600000 99.999% 
 Adena 440000 - 600000 99.999% 
 Adena 440000 - 600000 99.999% 
 Adena 440000 - 600000 99.999% 
 Adena 440000 - 600000 99.999% 
 Earring of Binding 1 - 2 100% 
 Ring of Ages 1 - 2 100% 
 Earring of Orfen
Produces the following effects: MP+31, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
1 100% 
 Necklace of Mermaid 1 - 2 100% 
 Composite Boots 1 - 2 40% 
 Composite Helmet
Part of the composite set.
1 - 2 40% 
 Mithril Gauntlets 1 - 2 40% 
 Tower Shield 1 - 2 40% 
 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
When enchanted, the P. Atk. of C grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3. The P. Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 4. The P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 6. The M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3.
1 - 2 40% 
 Demon's Stockings
Part of the demon set.
1 40% 
 Demon's Tunic
Produces the following effects when worn with demon's stockings and demon's gloves: HP -270, INT +4 and WIT -1.
1 40% 
 Theca Leather Gaiters
Part of the theca leather set.
1 40% 
 Theca Leather Armor
Produces the following effects when worn with theca leather gaiters and theca leather boots: P. Def. +5.24%.
1 40% 
 Composite Armor
Upper and lower body armor. Produces the following effects when worn with a composite helmet: Weight limit +5795. With a composite shield, M. Def. +5.26%.
1 40% 
 War Axe
Bestows either Anger, Health or Haste.
1 1/6 
 Grace Dagger
Bestows one of the following functions: Evasion, Focus, or Back Blow.
1 1/6 
 Akat Long Bow
Bestows either Guidance, Evasion or Miser.
1 1/6 
 Widow Maker
Bestows either Critical Stun, Long Blow or Wide Blow.
1 1/6 
 Sword of Delusion
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health, or Rsk. Haste.
1 1/6 
 Fist Blade
Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Rsk. Haste or Haste.
1 1/7 
 Paagrio Hammer
Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Magic Poison, or Magic Weakness.
1 1/7 
 Club of Nature
Bestows one of the following functions: Magic Mental Shield or Magic Hold.
1 1/7 
 Sword of Whispering Death
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, Magic Power or Magic Silence.
1 1/7 
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