Подробная информация о монстре/НПС  
  Имя Уровень HP MP Опыт SP Раса
 Treasure Chest Карта 75 4,366 1,674 0 0 Создание
Соц. Пол P.Atk. P.Def. M.Atk. M.Def. Тип атаки Радиус атаки Скорость атаки STR INT DEX WIT CON MEN
Нет 1551 540 722 439 Меч 40 253 40 21 30 20 43 10
  Пассивные скиллы  
  Активные скиллы  
  Название Количество Шанс
 Adena 16312 - 32672 70% 
 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)
When enchanted, increases P. Def. of S grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def increases by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4.
1 1/87 
 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)
When enchanted, the P. Atk. of S grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3. The P. Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 5. The P. Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. The P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. The M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3.
1 1/862 
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