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 Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design
 An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a sealed helm of nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Да 60 16,728 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Doom Blade Tanatos 72 9 - 27 100% 
 Korim 70 9 - 27 100% 
 Flame of Splendor Barakiel 70 81 - 243 35.096% 
 Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 85 1 1/21 
 Ashuras of Destruction 84 1 1/23 
 Ustralith 81 1 1/25 
 Ustralith 81 1 1/33 
 Lilim Court Knight 80 1 1/34 
 Nephilim Commander 80 1 1/34 
 Imperial Royal Guard 82 1 1/38 
 Imperial Royal Guard 82 1 1/39 
 Varka Silenos Seer 83 1 1/45 
 Messenger Invader Disciple 83 1 1/50 
 Ketra Orc Battalion Commander 84 1 1/57 
 Treasure Chest 84 1 1/142 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Iblis of Destruction 82 1 93.04% 
 Lavasaurus 79 1 66.836% 
 Knight of Empire 80 1 65.276% 
 Varka Silenos Medium 81 1 48.56% 
 Knight of Empire 80 1 41.84% 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 1 35.116% 
 Grazing Antelope 77 1 30.016% 
  Используется при крафте  
 Sealed Helm of Nightmare 60%
 Sealed Helm of Nightmare 100%
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