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Warning: Division by zero (File: items.detail.php, Line: 84)

  Название Кипа Вес Цена
 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A)
 When enchanted, the P. Atk. of A grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt weapon/one-handed, dagger and spear etc. will increase by 4. The P. Atk of sword/two-handed, blunt weapon/two-handed, dualsword, and fist-fighting weapon/two-handed will increase by 5. The P. Atk. of bow weapons will increase by 8. The M. Atk. of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3.
Нет 120 1,800,000 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Valakas 85 1 - 19 100% 
 Antharas 79 1 - 19 100% 
 Eva's Guardian Millenu 65 1 67.276% 
 Malruk's Witch Sekina 67 1 54.604% 
 Demon's Agent Falston 66 1 45.548% 
 Roaring Lord Kastor 62 1 39.04% 
 Demon Kurikups 65 1 38.772% 
 Hekaton Prime 65 1 35.968% 
 Rahha 65 1 35.968% 
 Nightmare Drake 67 1 26.164% 
 Ancient Weird Drake 65 1 25.848% 
 Shilen's Priest Hisilrome 65 1 24.124% 
 Enmity Ghost Ramdal 65 1 1/6 
 Gorgolos 64 1 1/6 
 Treasure Chest 72 1 1/321 
 Treasure Chest 69 1 1/455 
 Treasure Chest 66 1 1/463 
 Treasures of the Festival 72 1 1/833 
 Treasures of the Festival 72 1 1/833 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 1 1/1042 
 Dark Omen Invader Magus 73 1 1/1136 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 70 1 1/1190 
 Dark Omen Invader Food 73 1 1/1389 
 Forbidden Path Invader Food 65 1 1/1786 
 Seal Archangel 75 1 1/1786 
 Forbidden Path Invader Food 63 1 1/1923 
 Guardian Archangel 74 1 1/2273 
 Messenger Angel 70 1 1/3125 
 Lilim Court Knight 80 1 1/3571 
 Nephilim Commander 80 1 1/3571 
 Sepulcher Preacher 77 1 1/5000 
 Lesser Ancient Warrior 80 1 1/5000 
 Bloody Knight 73 1 1/5000 
 Guardian Spirit of Ancient Holy Ground 79 1 1/5000 
 Platinum Guardian Prefect 74 1 1/5000 
 Platinum Guardian Shaman 73 1 1/6250 
 Purgatory Liviona 71 1 1/8333 
 Alpen Buffalo 67 1 1/8333 
 Bound Warrior 72 1 1/8333 
 Alpen Kookaburra 65 1 1/8333 
 Forbidden Path Invader Magus 65 1 1/8333 
 Wailing of Splendor 67 1 1/12500 
 Hames Orc Overlord 75 1 1/12500 
 Requiem Lord 68 1 1/12500 
 Ghost of Rebellion Soldier 69 1 1/12500 
 Judge of Light 66 1 1/12500 
 Nonexistent Man 78 1 1/25000 
 Requiem Behemoth 70 1 1/25000 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/25000 
 Heathen Warrior 65 1 1/0 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 1 1/151 
 Dark Omen Invader Magus 73 1 1/166 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 70 1 1/172 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 70 1 1/175 
 Eye of Ruler 74 1 1/202 
 Nephilim Royal Guard 75 1 1/214 
 Lilim Slayer 75 1 1/214 
 Sepulcher Preacher 77 1 1/250 
 Tomb Guard 75 1 1/253 
 Lesser Ancient Shaman 76 1 1/258 
 Buffalo Slave 72 1 1/291 
 Dark Omen Invader Shaman 73 1 1/298 
 Eye of Watchman 73 1 1/305 
 Dark Omen Invader Soldier 70 1 1/321 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/368 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/385 
 Bone Grinder 70 1 1/510 
 Hames Orc Overlord 75 1 1/510 
 Vampire Warlord 73 1 1/521 
 Vampire Warlord 73 1 1/556 
 Scavenger Ant 74 1 1/581 
 Skull Animator 68 1 1/641 
 Ghost of Rebellion Soldier 69 1 1/658 
 Ghost of Rebellion Leader 71 1 1/658 
 Vampire Wizard 73 1 1/714 
 Vampire Wizard 73 1 1/714 
 Frenzy Stakato Drone 72 1 1/735 
 Vampire Warlord 73 1 1/781 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/806 
 Bone Grinder 70 1 1/893 
 Giant's Shadow 79 1 1/1000 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/1471 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/1471 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/1471 
 Antelope 68 1 1/1563 
 Antelope 68 1 1/1563 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 70 1 1/1563 
 Antelope 68 1 1/1563 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/2083 
 Antelope 68 1 1/2273 
 Heathen Grunt 68 1 1/4167 
 Heathen Knight 69 1 1/4167 
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