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  Название Кипа Вес Цена
 Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)
 Increases the P. Def. of an A Grade armor or accessory by 1, and from +4, the P. Def will increase by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece type armor can be safely enchanted up to +4.
Нет 120 240,000 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Demon's Agent Falston 66 1 100% 
 Icicle Emperor Bumbalump 74 1 - 3 100% 
 Roaring Lord Kastor 62 1 100% 
 Eilhalder von Hellmann 71 1 - 3 100% 
 Hekaton Prime 65 1 100% 
 Rahha 65 1 100% 
 Beast Lord Behemoth 70 1 - 3 100% 
 Doom Blade Tanatos 72 1 - 3 100% 
 Korim 70 1 - 3 100% 
 Nightmare Drake 67 1 100% 
 Ancient Weird Drake 65 1 100% 
 Enmity Ghost Ramdal 65 1 100% 
 Gorgolos 64 1 100% 
 Treasure Chest 72 1 1/43 
 Treasure Chest 69 1 1/60 
 Treasure Chest 66 1 1/61 
 Treasures of the Festival 72 1 1/100 
 Treasures of the Festival 72 1 1/100 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 1 1/136 
 Dark Omen Invader Magus 73 1 1/150 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 70 1 1/158 
 Dark Omen Invader Food 73 1 1/182 
 Forbidden Path Invader Food 65 1 1/236 
 Forbidden Path Invader Food 63 1 1/253 
 Nephilim Royal Guard 75 1 1/481 
 Sepulcher Guard 75 1 1/568 
 Lesser Ancient Warrior 80 1 1/694 
 Hallate's Guardian 69 1 1/862 
 Bloody Guardian 75 1 1/893 
 Binder 73 1 1/1042 
 Bound Shaman 72 1 1/1136 
 Amon's Spirits 74 1 1/1136 
 Forbidden Path Invader Berserker 65 1 1/1316 
 Alpen Kookaburra 65 1 1/1316 
 Valac's Creature 69 1 1/1389 
 Elmo-Aden's Lady 65 1 1/1471 
 Archer of Abyss 65 1 1/1667 
 Bone Sweeper 69 1 1/1786 
 Requiem Behemoth 70 1 1/1786 
 Conjurer Bat Lord 72 1 1/1923 
 Resurrected Guard 66 1 1/2273 
 Resurrected Guard 66 1 1/2500 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/2500 
 Lesser Giant Elder 65 1 1/2500 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/4167 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/4167 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/4167 
 Bandersnatch 69 1 1/6250 
 Alpen Kookaburra 65 1 1/8333 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 75 1 1/20 
 Dark Omen Invader Magus 73 1 1/22 
 Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier 70 1 1/23 
 Lilim Court Knight 80 1 1/24 
 Nephilim Commander 80 1 1/24 
 Sly Hound Dog 72 1 1/28 
 Lesser Ancient Warrior 80 1 1/29 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/32 
 Eye of Pilgrim 74 1 1/37 
 Dark Omen Invader Disciple 73 1 1/46 
 Hot Springs Antelope 74 1 1/47 
 Hot Springs Bandersnatchling 73 1 1/51 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/51 
 Dark Omen Invader Martyrs 70 1 1/53 
 Eye of Restrainer 71 1 1/62 
 Splinter Stakato Drone 70 1 1/69 
 Bone Puppeteer 71 1 1/79 
 Atrox 69 1 1/83 
 Grave Scarab 73 1 1/85 
 Devil Bat 68 1 1/92 
 Vampire Magician 72 1 1/100 
 Splinter Stakato Soldier 68 1 1/105 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/107 
 Devil Bat 68 1 1/121 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/127 
 Grendel 71 1 1/182 
 Grendel 71 1 1/182 
 Grendel 71 1 1/182 
 Grendel 71 1 1/260 
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